Monday, September 29, 2008


Well this morning as I sit here and ponder the events of the weekend I am amazed at the things God can do when we allow him to. My pastor was in Washington state for a conference and was dearly missed but things must still go on while he is, memorial services and just taking care of business if you know what I mean. Steven K. the other elder at Journey church and I got to divide up a couple of things in Pastor Mike's absence but things went well. Scott Windrum from San Antonio came up to Fredericksburg and blessed us with his music and a wonderful word from the Lord that set somethings off in my heart. Sott shared about our words are they good reports or bad all know what i get up on Monday and say oh God do I have to go to work today or do you say Thank you God that I get to go to work this morning. Well yesterday afternoon I had agreed to do a memorial service for the friend of one of our church's members. After I left church I really didn't want to go back and have to be spiritual this my wife and I were eating lunch I made some comment along the lines well i guess I have to go home and go back to church. well I got back to the house and the Lord just nudged me and about things....thankfully I didn't have to go to the woodshed. I went to church and I was still working on things in my heart and my mind but i was still in a funky place. just after I went in the door i was met by one of the ladies helping set up and she could tell that things were in turmoil....she asked are you ok...quickly followed by no your not I can tell then she asks me like Scott had said that he had started asking people that he really wanted an answer and he asks "how are you being"? So being faced with that question i had to say my being is in a struggle right now but it is going to be alright. Well I got ready for the service and it was a very laid back memorial service but God was there. now my heart at the start was still kind of down but as I got to start things my spirit started to get pretty fired up. it was a real neat service and as all preachers I was blessed to get to share about God's word and his grace and salvation. people shared great stories and we had a good I had to say to the Father on the way home....Thank You for allowing me to do Gene's service....are there things in your life where you need to say thanks. A frined of mine made me some really neat stickers for my truck window with the cowboy neeling at the cross and underneath the picture the line says "don't forget to say Thank you" right there in my face, rear view mirror hang out there for all to see...DUH!!!!!!!... Thank You Lord, Amen