Tuesday, June 17, 2008


This last Sunday was Father's day and mine was very special. one of our daughters got hme Saturday night from a work project in Pittsburgh, PA. Our other daughter is working as a Team Servant at a camp on Lake Travis for a couple of weeks. After church we picked her up and we went to Austin and had lunch and did some shopping....you say that isn't such a great Father's day...i would have to disagree...I got to spend some wonderful time with my girls and see them blessed by the things we did....that was what I wanted to do on Father's day. I pray that all you dads had a wonderful day. Several years ago i wrote a poem about my biological father and the fact that I never knew him...he left before I was born. years later I got a box of his things from my Aunt and i was blown away by the things in the box. He was a man who had served in WW 2 and served in Germany and had won a purple heart and a Silver Star....maybe as I was growing up I didn't think much of the man but I found out that there was some real neat things that had happened in his life and at times I wish I had been one of those neat things. Dads I encourage you to be there for your kids. I would also like to let you read what I wrote the first Father's day after I got the box of things.

The Father I never knew

The man who gave me life is a father I never knew,
As the day of birth came close away he flew.
Not sure of the reason of why or when,
What had I done to him?
Another man stepped in to his place
When I think of dad I see his face,
Things might not have been all fixed and right,
But he tried to be my dad with all his might,
As I got older from that man I rebelled,
Almost made his life a living hell,
In beer and pride we grew far apart,
Later God gave us a brand new start,
As my twenty first birthday drew near
The voice of another father I started to hear,
God the father started to speak to my heart,
Told me that he had been there from the start,
He also swore he would never depart,
Well now as I close in on my fiftieth year,
He is still so very close and so near,
In a box of things I will hold dear,
I also found out something of the father I never knew
Not a whole lot just a few,
His mom and dad thought I was pretty neat,
In heaven I pray we will get to meet,
The man that gave me life wasn’t as bad as I thought,
Medals proved that for his country he valiantly fought,
A smart man he was from his army record I learned,
New feelings in my heart grew for the man to know I yearned
He is gone to heaven I pray,

Now there was a man who came into my life and married my mom and adopted me and was my Dad that I knew and was a good man and I probably will never know what I owe to him till I get to heaven and Share with him.
Keep the Faith,

Monday, June 16, 2008

Passed Out or Prayed Up!!!!!

This last weekend I was blessed to make a crazy trip into Mexico with a friend. Going in was not to bad we had a load of lumber for one of his building projects at one of the villages but after that was dropped off.......it was like the Baja 1000 with a one ton truck and a 16 foot trailer behind. I know curtis knows these roads and drives them often but i only ride with him every year or two....I was not prepared for the trip home....Sunday morning as I was preparing to pray over our service at Journey church I said that if you go to Mexico with Curtis be prepared to either pass out or pray up....Sara got a great laugh out of that statement. you can either pass out and miss the blessings that the Father has to show you or allow you to share or you just pray and watch a truck and trailer go places they shouldn't...but you are safe and sound and back home. I don't have to think real hard about which of these paths Jesus would take. Are you willing to take a chance when the Father calls you into the desert to minister to a needy people. It may not be Mexico....it could be Fredericksburg, Tx......Austin, TX...or some far away place. will you say YES or pass out. Since I got back from Mexico Saturday night I have been a bundle of emotions...I was the one that was blessed by these wonderful people and all I had to do was to ride along with Curtis. THANK YOU FATHER FOR A BLESSING IN DISGUISE!!!!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Walt Perryman is a gifted poet from the Luckenbach area and he sent me a really neat email over the weekend that I just have to post here:


I met this guy while I was in Albuquerque and he has a motto he lives by everyday. He said listen carefully and live by these 4 rules : Drink, Steal, Swear, & Lie.I was shaking my head 'no', but he then told me to listen while he explained his four rules. So here they are :
1. 'Drink' from the 'everlasting cup' every day.
2. 'Steal' a moment to help someone that is in worse shape than you are.
3. 'Swear' that you will be a better person today than yesterday.
4. And last, but not least, when you 'lie' down at night thank God you live in America and have freedom.I am not as good as I should be, I am not as good as I could be .
; but THANK GOD I am better than I used to be!


Yesterday was a very interesting day as we had a small service at Luckenbach, it was a blessed time. The Father had laid the scripture of Jeremiah 1:4-5 it says "Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations that's what I had in mind for you."(The Message)

Just a short note about this mind blowing idea. each one of us is a unique one of a kind person and God the creator of all things knew you before you were even a gleem in your daddy's eye. he had to create you, so you could be here to touch the lives of folks that you interact with right now!!!!! later on in Jeremiah the bible also says that the Lord knows the plans that he has for us plans for good and not for bad.....what an awesome idea.....chew on that for a couple of days.
blessings, Joe

Thursday, June 5, 2008