Monday, April 28, 2008

Another Thought

The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. --Psalm 37:23, NLT. So many times we in our minds think does the God that created all of this that we know, live in and see really care about me. the bible says that the Father above knows how many hairs are on your i get older they are easier to count but think about it....the hairs on your head. if he didn't care what shape would we really be in? i know that as we look at the world around us and the gas prices going through the roof, wars, police actions, you can fill the next couple of ideas in but the God that made it all is still in controll. we must come to the true reality of how awesome our God really is...without him and his controll i believe this world, universe etc. as we know it would have spun out into space along time ago with out him...the word also says in everything give thanks for this is the will of the Father concerning you in Christ Jesus...i ask you to breath a special word of thanks to God today and just say thanks for all we really have and what he protects us from. Blessings, Joe

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


This seems to be one of those days that I regret getting out of the sack....eyes are watering, head not feeling to great and the phone at work seems to be ringing off the wall with all sorts of crazy questions and people. This last Sunday at church I asked folks about what kind of a report would they be...good...bad..or indifferent...well today I am having to ask myself that question not just once but several times and it is only 10:30 in the morning. I encouraged folks to have a good report in things and i am working real hard to make my report today a good one. You see no matter what you go through there is always...ALWAYS....A BRIGHTER SIDE TO THE STORY!
I have allergy medicine that is starting to kick in, the phone calls have all been able to be managed or sent to the correct people to take care of the question. So things are not as bad as they seemed at first...sometimes we go through a short storm to get to the quiet safe waters that the Father leads us to and by. so may our reports be good and our hope in the Father above.
Blessings, Joe

Thursday, April 17, 2008

First Baptism at Luckenbach, Texas

On Sunday morning April 13, 2008 we had a first take place at one of our services at Luckenbach. We had the honor of baptising one of our dear friends Terry. It was an honor that will go into my memory files for a long time.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Next Service

Our Sunday service will be this coming Sunday morning April 13, 2008 at 8:30 a.m. We will have a short message, some praise and worship and communion. All are welcome.

What we are about

Outriders for Christ is an outreach of Journey Church in Fredericksburg, Texas. We meet at Luckenbach, Texas about once a month. That is the same great place that Waylon and Willie made famous in song. We are there to minister some wonderful people that make this there home away from home. As I was sitting out there last night talking to a friend she pointed out that we were in the perfect place because the fields are so ripe. I realized just how true that statement is. would ask you to pray for us as we continue touching lives for the Father.
Blessings, Joe